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Customers Ignore Businesses Who Don’t Let Their Freak Flag Fly!

Let Your Freak Flag Fly
The irony of being unique

Joan is the type of designer who does it all. She'll illustrate your book, design your living space, she’ll even design your website. When you visit her website her call to action button directs you to the contact page to book a discovery call. You're excited to start your project except the discovery call costs $500 TTDS and the project hasn't started yet. To make up your mind, you place Joan’s services on pause and come across Peter’s design services. His website says ‘Package Design For Small Product Brands’, there’s one provided way to initiate working with 1 of his 2 available packages, and it's $799.00. Plus he has a foundational approach to product packaging that stands out.

You didn’t know this type of designer existed, but thank God you found him. There’s no waiting before the project starts, the price is perfect, and his approach on the topic makes you feel like he knows what he’s talking about — Which is how expertise works (the type of projects you do times your methodology), and you want this, but what about Joan?

2 years ago, I presented this situation as a discussion in my group, most people said "Joan who?"; they "already forgot Joan because Peter gave them all the info needed for them to make an educated decision.” Some even went as far to say that “Joan was sloppy”. And it got me thinking about what it looks like when a service ‘stands out’ as it’s paired against another in its space, and as per the sloppy statement, what that looks like.

Bottom line? No one likes a jack of all trades, prospects want you to get to the point — it doesn't matter that "you're still learning", you'll always be learning, but know what you're about and be one with your voice.

Forget Lessening Offense, Let Your Freak Flag Fly!

If you were to make an observation of the statements made, what aspects of Joans services would you conclude her rejection was based on?

I define ‘The Freak Flag’ as things that make you noticeable. But, in order for 'that thing' to be a viable candidate, despite being valued by your clients, it must be considered a horror story to your industry. And to me, it's only truly 'Yours' when it lives on your website. Outside of that, you're riding the fence; playing it safe. And people only do that when they're not comfortable in their own skin.

The key to being comfortable in your own skin is surrounding yourself with like-minded people; customers striving for the same goals as you.

Someone doesn't like what you have to say or how you do things? To quote the words of Candace Owens, "in life sometimes people don't like you. Deal with it." Don't go apologizing for who you are by trying to appeal to those people, that will be pathetic. If you look at Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Jesus Christ, history teaches us that it's not only natural to be persecuted when your voice goes against the status quo, but it’s also dangerous. But history also empowers us to focus on the people who matter despite it all.

So forget lessening offenses. You should know by now trying to talk to everyone will get you ignored.

Why Founders Struggle To Stand Out!

When you depend on someone for a salary, without knowing it, 8 hours a day, 365 days a year, for however long you’re employed at that job, you retard the formation of your own voice in order to take on the mind and personality of whomever you’re employed by. If you don’t you’ll lose the job. And there is a transference of that fear (coupled with being unaccustomed with saying what we think) to our own customers when we’re self-employed that’s driven by financial desperation: Anyone could be a customer, so playing it safe seems logical. Still, when you think about it, it sounds mentally abusive. But, I certainly understand it. I too at one time thought anyone could be a customer. But at what cost do we continue to believe it?

I empathize with founders who have been in therapy because of the depression that comes through unsavory encounters with customers in business. I too have had my fair share of those early on, but why wait until a mental breakdown before you give yourself permission to get fed up and reimagine the way you do things. Don't get me wrong, these crumbs go a long way in the design process, but why love the concept of being unique, until it's time to actually own your uniqueness?

It's said about branding that "if it doesn't feel uncomfortable you're not doing it right." Well I say if it doesn't feel claustrophobic you're not doing it right- steal that quote!


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