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  • Writer's pictureWriter for DDI on Medium

ChatGPT Is Making YOU Lazy!

I miss de good ole days when people actually used their brains.

Today with social media’s AI tools and ChatGPT, using your brain has become old-fashioned. Migration what! This is the real reason Trinidad and Tobago is on the brink of a brain drain, we’re outsourcing our intellect to artificial intelligence. November 3rd, 2023, was the tipping point when ChatGPT became the go-to for analyzing…well, anything, really. The handwriting was on the wall.

And this erosion of critical thinking is mirrored in how we now communicate.

10 months later, a whitewashed way of speaking has entrepreneurs and the self-employed sounding the same! In a choir full of small service businesses it’s difficult TO STAND OUT when YOU ALL SOUND THE SAME.

No problem! This growing dependence on AI tools like ChatGPT has deformed how we think too. If a business is in need of some personality in its marketing or a talking point for filler it’s an article away — why bother developing your own thoughts and ideas when you can piggyback on someone who has already done the heavy lifting for you?

That is how far humanity has fallen from what it means to be a human being. God said we are fearfully and wonderfully made. But in such a short time, agency over our own thoughts and ideas is now no longer valued because we’re in the age of machines.

From our credit cards to the tools we use to execute our services online, we’re all in some shape or form a part of this digital world — but at what cost? Look at what we’re losing. For years, I was told how to feel and what to think. I’m never going back!

Do you remember how easy it was to recall phone numbers before cell phones? Or when children did mental math before calculators and doctors relied on their experience for diagnoses before the age of Google? Now professors complain about entire assignments being completed by ChatGPT.

So yes, “we’ve advanced technologically”, but we’ve paid a high price for it.

A Tool Is Only As Useful As The Competency Level Of The Person Using It

We’ve lost something deeply human — our ability to think critically, creatively, and independently. Right now, small service businesses in Trinidad and Tobago are either instructing AI tools like ChatGPT to rewrite something they scribbled down and create 15 pieces of content from it or sharing some hack to determine if their visual brand aligns with their brand. Personally, my conviction is that ChatGPT didn’t give me my brand — my ideal clients did. So I’m not dependent on it to validate anything about my services.

AI tools, despite being efficient, lack the human touch that creates the emotional connection. When small business owners hand over their voices to these tools without factoring in the unique nuances of their brand and their ideal client, they’re sacrificing what makes them stand out and relatable. It’s no wonder everything sounds the same these days.

And precisely why nothing local inspires me. Everyone who knows me knows this about me. 7 years ago I felt the same way and nothing has changed. So while many local influencers, content creators, and business owners swapped their brains for ChatGPT, I instead use it to analyze its analysis of other people’s thoughts and ideas who are credible so I can strengthen my talking points.

It’s not shocking to observe how clueless this tool is without very specific considerations about the business, the brand and its niche imputed to it because its limitation is mentioned in the fine print. But, shockingly, no one factors this in when placing the weight of making important decisions about their brand on the “shoulders” of this tool…that by the way interestingly gave this article a 10 out of 10.

Exhibit A

ChatGPT Is Also Making People Delusional

Doubling back around to the visual brand hack. Concern about the visual brand is a sign (to me) that there is a deeper issue with the brand. One reflects the other, see? The brand comes first and the visual brand is created after. The brand is the foundation of everything!

I heard a local saleswoman say the messaging is the foundation of the brand. Nope! The brand is the foundation!

But experience would have me believe that this isn’t about “using color purposefully” — it’s not about trust. It’s about appearing trustworthy because ignorance is bliss in Trinidad and Tobago.

I can write or say something that was created based on real experiences. Someone can memorize that and regurgitate it or copy and paste it into ChatGPT to rewrite it so they sound insightful, and no one would suspect (until it’s too late) that they’ve never branded anything in their life. And they would go on believing they have this insight.

The level of damage mentally, I can’t do that to myself.


Listen to the crux of my point here:

Shake Your Cock N Bull Graphic Designs, my free Facebook group is exclusively for local founders who want to give their most secrete fears about being online a good shaking, so they can venture online with confidence!


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