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Think Like A Visual Designer; Act Like A Brand

The tourism industry in Trinidad and Tobago has a unique advantage because we’re living in an era where experiences matter! This means, it’s never “not a branding thing”, OK, Tobago House Of Assembly, especially when responding to threats to future tourism. But you also want to come from a place of intention — understanding how your brand’s personality sets you apart, you can ignore ridicule more easily.

That said, recalling the reward AD, said humor wasn’t part of the plan. As a result, I’m inclined to believe that as it relates to ‘the experience’ you’re trying to preserve for tourists, you might be in the dark about the diverse aspects of what that entire experience might be for them. This, is where many companies in Trinidad and Tobago show a lack of clarity on what comprises their special sauce — because it’s not a singular aspect.

The sad part for the THA though is they may have stumbled onto something most companies are inauthentic about, but because of “the confusion” — that’s code for cock n bull conversations surrounding “a bounty being placed on the capture (and possible killing) of a shark”, they won’t explore it.

Let Your FREAK Flag Fly

So to demonstrate how to authenticate a brand’s personality to tune out voices who don’t matter, and use it to help you stand out, I took the liberty to redesign the original ‘Shark Bounty Flier’.

Example A

Let’s say for example, the THA wants to be straightforward but funny about maintaining a balance between human life and ocean life in the hunt for the shark involved in the April 26th incident. To prove being “straightforward and funny” is how they naturally express themselves, context will be needed.

In this hypothetical situation, the Tobago House Of Assembly believes the government of Trinidad and Tobago is too buttoned up for an arm of the THA that deals with people’s experiences.

When there is an authentic reason for the way you express yourself, you don’t half-ass it by sounding and looking like the very thing you’re trying to distance yourself from. Especially, if at the very least you want to stand out for it.

Example B

Government institutions seldom have professional tools to do design work — professional designers (in this country) who have worked in some of these places (like me) will tell yuh that! Instead of giving the task to someone grossly under qualified to unite unrelated disciplines, dare to be different and hire someone with the tools, experience and expertise to do the job.

When you want to promote awareness of an issue and motivate change in a straightforward but lighthearted way, satire ("the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.") is the best vehicle to balance both personalities and prove your point through whom your message offends.

Shark Bounty Ad
redesigned artwork

In this redesigned version of ‘The Shark Bounty Flier,’ the Tobago House Of Assembly is both straightforward about the consequences for their target audience if they join the hunt and humorous about the main goal.

We can’t control what people find funny, but we can surely lean into it. -Ciji Shippley

26K plus people found ‘a reward for a shark’ outlandish and funny. By blowing up that messaging on the design, the THA is owning another aspect of their secret sauce.

Here’s the rub, you don’t want to come into a design situation unprepared. You need to know who you are, what people love about you and be 100% willing to go there confidently — this is the purpose of TheBrandConductor design interview!

Book The Brand Conductor

The BrandConductor design interview single purpose is to bring to life the value of what you do through verbal and visual cues.

1. “My Teeth Are A Bit Straighter, But I Can’t Bite Well Any More”

“My thoughts and aims were brought to light in a way I couldn’t envision on my own” -Dr Toni-Marie Elias | CEO of Dr Toni-Marie Elias

2. “Prepare For Future Loss Minus The Runaround For Your Money In 1–6 Days”

“The designer’s ability to see into the words the customer convey’s and to actually add life to it, is truly a gift.” -Kristen Scott-Beckles | CEO of XN General Insurance

3. “Get The Road-Map For Executing Your Building Or Remodeling Project Within Budget And On Time!”

The design interview for me (a fellow designer) speaks to my clients needs.” -Claudan Mayers | CEO of CDSL

TheBrandConductor is the first step to uncovering those notes you need to hit in order to be heard through your visual design project.


Shake Your Cock N Bull Graphic Designs, my free Facebook group is exclusively for local founders who want to give their most secrete fears about being online a good shaking, so they can venture online with confidence!


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