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How To Stand Out From The Crowd, And Not Be Viewed As The Competition

how does your business stand out

It’s hard to be heard when you’re all singing the same song

I know it's overwhelming running a small business and simultaneously keeping yourself motivated, but the truth is, you shouldn’t be providing a service you don’t like. Do you like what you do? If you do and you just want to fly your freak flag, and not be deemed “a threat”or the competition, then by definition your lack of motivation comes from being generic.

When the core issues you deal with are similar to everyone else in your industry, you tend to sound the same when you speak about it. And as a result, everyone looks at what everyone is doing or saying and that's a very confusing place for a prospect to make a decision from. So how do you get out of that rut?

Well, that's not the real problem for someone like you. Not yet at least. A lot of founders on the service scene want answers to the wrong questions. They want the result without the methodology. If you're afraid of narrowing, if you see being specific as the opposite of what you want, you'll never be seen as different. Specializing makes differentiation attainable; they go together and once you’re in a group that offers the same thing, you’ll always be a threat without them.

For example: If two wells both give their water to quench thirst, they are most likely to share the same users. But, if one supplies “Living Water” to end thirst, by definition something different is clearly being offered, but that message will automatically become a beacon only for those with a specific thirst to hone in on and be a partaker of. It’s simple logic. Similarly, my counterparts, despite sharing the same industry, isn’t and shouldn’t be perturbed by the service I provide, since we each have a different focus and position in the local market that is based on the needs of those we serve.

In the beginning, just simply penetrating the awareness of people with graphic design services was hard because graphic designers are a dim a dozen in Trinidad and Tobago. All that changed the moment I started selling The One-Page. Founders with specific things in common began noticing a change of the beat in the symphony; no longer were they subjected to pay for something they didn’t necessarily need just to get online. I realized how much I disagree with the cock-n-bull stories local designers spin about building websites. I am also not an advocate for offering balance parcels on certain projects. Despite my personality, I've attract some of my best clients. What makes me different has inspired people to choose me over working with someone else, and it has also encouraged them to refer me to others they felt would be my type of client.

So the key to leting your freak flag fly is being you. Secretly, maybe you do have a desire to be yourself, but with so many sayings floating around, individuality gets derailed. Fortunately for you lack of motivation is on the other side of that. If it wasn’t there, would you be interested to find out how to not be viewed as the competition? Probably not. It’s a blue ocean for those who infuse who they truly are into what they do. It will be scary at first but it will be easy to disregard such a short-lived distraction when viewed through the lens of what you’re trying to accomplish.


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